CONTACT: (808) 307-7850
Emergency Cards: Should be completed front and back and turned in immediately. The information provided is necessary in the event of an illness/injury or emergency as it will also inform the School Health Assistant (SHA) and teachers the health and /or medical concerns regarding your child and emergency contacts in the event you are unable to be reached. Inform the SHA and the Registrar’s office immediately if phone numbers/address/info has changed.
The function of the Health Room at Honouliuli Middle School is to provide basic medical care and first aid to students who have taken ill or who may have been injured during school hours. Students who are ill/injured at home should be taken care of at home. Unless the condition is severe please seek medical attention as soon as possible. The health room is managed by a School Health Assistant (SHA) who will be available during instructional time. The health room is equipped with the resources to meet basic first aid needs. In the event the health room is closed or the SHA is unavailable, students may report to the front office. In the event that your child becomes ill or injured during school hours and needs to be sent home you are required to pick up your child within a reasonable amount of time or if you are unable to do so, you are to make the necessary arrangements for your child to be picked up in a timely manner. Should your child require to be seen by a physician, your child should be picked up immediately. In case of an emergency, 911 will be called with Administration approval.
Your child’s health and safety are first priority to the Health Room, as well as, the health and safety of the other students that frequently visits the Health Room.
Only approved medications/epi-pen/inhalers will be stored in the health room & administered by the SHA or designee by completing the Self-Administration and or SH-36 (Store & Administer) forms and getting approval from the Public Health Nurse Bureau (PHNB). Forms may be obtained from the Health Room, or HMS website “HEALTH INFORMATION TAB.” It is imperative that parents read the directives on the back and to follow all instructions to ensure that it is approved by the PHNB. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected. Failure to comply with this section will result in the SHA calling parent(s) to the school to administer medication to their child in the event the student requires it.
For the safety of all students on campus, students should not carry ANY medications to school. This includes but not limited to pain medications or antibiotics.
State law requires a physical exam, tb and updated vaccinations for all students entering the Hawaii school system. A form 14 can be provided by your physician, SHA or see HMS website. A doctor's note with a scheduled appt date will be accepted for entry. *Current physical for the school year must be on file for students to participate in HMS extramural sports.
- INCOMING 7TH GRADERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A CURRENT PHYSICAL EXAM & UP TO DATE ON ALL VACCINATIONS IN ORDER TO ATTEND SCHOOL. The form 14 must have a date for physical/well child visit 1 year from the first day of 7th grade.
Please visit our website see Health Information tab it will have the list of vaccinations needed to attend school and those entering 7th grade. If these requirements are not completed, the student will be denied further attendance to school (Hawaii Administrative Rules 302A-1162)